We may not have left cool, damp days behind us, but be assured we're firmly rooted in spring.


Thirsty plants are still getting their fill. Adding a layer of mulch will keep them hydrated as temperatures rise.


Finish hardening off veggie starts and stay on top of pruning. Once the heat hits, it’ll be hard to keep up!

May Garden by month

– May To-do's –

  • Overseed and fertilize lawns
  • Use mulches, plastic or fabric covers to control weeds in planting beds
  • Plant tomatoes and other warm season vegetables and herbs
  • Deadhead annuals and perennials to encourage continued flowering
  • Inspect roses for disease or insects
  • Plant containers with a mix of annuals, perennials and grasses
  • Install drip irrigation and soaker hoses to save water throughout the summer
  • Fertilize, water and maintain flower baskets
  • Prune early-flowering shrubs, such as forsythia
  • Finish hardening off any indoor or overwintered plants to move outdoors